Caregiver Support Groups

caring for the caregiver
The pandemic has helped shine a light on the increased levels of stress, anxiety, depression and added challenges that parents/primary caregivers/extended family are experiencing. These challenges have become more pronounced causing (sometimes) intense challenges for parents/primary caregivers. Therefore, a program designed specifically for them can be life-enhancing, even transformational in nature. We must take better care of ourselves as caregivers, or our special-needs children/families will suffer.
The program was developed by Michael Boylan, a single father of an adult special-needs child on the autism spectrum. He is also a national bestselling author of several business books published by the largest publishers in the world and a developer of training programs that have benefited 100,000 professionals and Fortune 500s such as IBM, Microsoft, ADP, CBS, etc.
Because he has raised his son for the last 17 years on his own, Michael understands the challenges parents/families deal with on a routine basis, which is why the program can be life-enhancing/life-changing. He has a 24-year track record of developing successful training programs that have had significant impact across the country.
The support group meetings are meant to be a forum of empathy, connection, and inspiration, held via Care Cast podcast.
Sessions follow the outline in the Reach for Me Book and Family Home Study Program. Care Cast podcasts are an opportunity to connect with other caregivers around a process designed to improve our mental/emotional health and perspective, while creating new connections.
Additional information
Two Care Cast sessions monthly, focused on the Connor Principles Process, included as part of both Basic and Level One Memberships.
Two Care Cast sessions monthly, focused on the Resolution Session Process, included as part of Level One Membership.